She Is

Austin Mortel
Oct 22, 2021

A Poem

Photo by Kote Puerto on Unsplash

She is beautiful,
like one of the girls
on those magazines,
She is beautiful also,
for the way she thought.
She is beautiful,
for the sparkle in her eye,
when she talked about
something she loves.
She is beautiful,
for her imposing ability
to make other people smile,
even if she was dejected;
and no, she wasn’t beautiful
for something as temporary
to only just her looks,
although she’s very very pretty.
But she is beautiful,
for being who she is,
for having such a lovely heart,
the irreplaceable wisdom,
everything, even her flaws,
making her so perfect and unique.
She’s imperfectly perfect
and I love her, every bit of her,
her heart, her mind,
deep down to her soul.

